The Critical Edition of Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini [The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy As Applied to Child Education in the Children’s Houses, 1912]
Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica was originally published in Italian in 1909. It is Maria Montessori’s first and seminal text where she outlined her pedagogical proposal. Montessori returned repeatedly to that text in her lifetime, so that new editions were published in 1913, 1926, 1935, and 1950 - the latter under the title La scoperta del bambino.
The Critical Edition includes essays by Giacomo Cives, Augusto Scocchera, and Paola Trabalzini, as well as a methodological introduction; a critical comparison of the five editions from a philological and synoptic viewpoint; the illustrations of the various editions; and the index of names, works, and illustrations.
The Critical Edition can be consulted page by page with the help of a search engine which makes it possible to find all the occurrences of a given term in the whole text, including the notes (that keep track of variants introduced in each edition after the first), and the captions of the illustrations.